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Bardeen Nobel Prizes presented at ISE Summer Academy 2016

During the ISE Summer Academy 2016 teachers and trainers enjoyed seeing not one, but two Nobel Prizes that belong to late John Bardeen. The Nobel medals were presented by William Bardeen, an American theoretical physicist at Fermilab and son of John Bardeen.

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Over 200 STEM Teachers Gathered in Marathon, Greece

More than 200 teachers from 25+ countries, including USA, Puerto Rico, and from all over Europe gathered in Marathon for the ISE Summer Academy 2016.

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ESEA on Social Media

Connect, follow and have a conversation with us! The European Science Education Academy (ESEA) is driven by the vision to empower teachers to create a new wave of interest towards science in young generations.

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30 Jun

Celebrating Juno’s arrival at Jupiter - Tuesday July 5th, 19:00-20:30

After 5 years trip, Juno is finally arriving at its destination; the biggest planet of our solar system. On Monday July 4th, Juno is expected to get into orbit around Jupiter 5000 kilometers above the planet’s surface.

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The European Science Education Academy (ESEA) is a common effort of the European Physical Society, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, NUCLIO, and the Cardiff University to support the modernization and continuous development of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education and training. ESEA provides numerous training activities, tools and resources that will enable teachers in STEM to maximize their efforts in the design of inquiry based learning activities as well as to create motivating and engaging lessons that inspire young pupils and students to take up a career in STEM.
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Dimitriou Panagea str.
GR 15351 Pallini, Greece 

Phone: +30 210 8176799

Email: geral@nuclio.pt