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Join the Eratosthenes Experiment: September 2015

This year the Eratosthenes experiment will take place on the 23 September, on the autumnal equinox day. Take part through your school by registering at the website with your school’s longitude and latitude.

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The Big Ideas of Science Challenge

Many students often argue that the school science curriculum they have is so packed that eventually they forget most of the things they learn at school shortly after they graduate, especially when they continue their studies on irrelevant subjects.

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Go-Lab Call for Schools

Are you a teacher? Do you want to enrich your classes with exiting experiments and appealing demonstrations? Do you want your students to get hands-on experience of doing science?

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ESO Astronomy Camp 2015

European Southern Observatory (ESO) and its Science Outreach Network are collaborating with Sterrenlab to host the third ESO Astronomy Camp on the topic of the Solar System and Ext

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The European Science Education Academy (ESEA) is a common effort of the European Physical Society, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, NUCLIO, and the Cardiff University to support the modernization and continuous development of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education and training. ESEA provides numerous training activities, tools and resources that will enable teachers in STEM to maximize their efforts in the design of inquiry based learning activities as well as to create motivating and engaging lessons that inspire young pupils and students to take up a career in STEM.
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Dimitriou Panagea str.
GR 15351 Pallini, Greece 

Phone: +30 210 8176799

Email: geral@nuclio.pt